
Alzheimer's: A Changing Mind

Decent Essays

A Changing Mind
Have your parents started to forget things or struggle more in daily activities? It’s something we don’t imagine will happen to our parents. We can’t predict if it will happen; although, the older our parents get and if a family member has had the disease, it increases the risk. Alzheimer’s is a disease children don’t think could cause the death of their parents. It’s a disease that’s irreversible, with no treatment to stop the progression, and no cure. Children of aging parents are often unaware of the emotional and physical effects Alzheimer’s can have on their parents, family, and caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America can provide support for all of those confronting Alzheimer’s, which is why it’s important to …show more content…

One of the advantages by placing a parent with Alzheimer’s in a care facility, aside from the fact they are very experienced, is the family can still be very involved in the care of their loved one. Mannion (2008) explained that many of the times family help assist in the care of their parent in the early stages of the disease and will continue to care for them while their parent is in a care facility, which averages approximately nine hours a week. Children tend to feel the need to provide care for their parent with Alzheimer’s, but can have negative side effects. One may feel cut off from social activities and may become depressed, anxious or develop anger from caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s. Every loving, caring child needs to take a break from time to time when caring for their loved one, and respite care (temporary caregiver) is a wonderful way to achieve the needed time away (p.28). Caregiving, regardless of whether it’s the parent’s child or in a care facility, can be very difficult physically on an individual, especially in the late stages when they need a great deal of assistance in bathing, dressing, and moving from one place to another. Whoever the caregiver is, there are many services the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America can help with, such as finding support groups as well as social workers available for counseling to help caregivers caring for those with Alzheimer’s. Being a caregiver is a tremendous responsibility for an individual. Mannion stated “the wellbeing of a person with Alzheimer’s depends directly on the wellbeing of the person who is providing their care”

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