
Alan Turing The Imitation Game

Decent Essays

Synopsis On Portrayal of Homosexuality in Alan Turing’s - The Imitation Game In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Award of Degree of Bachelors of Arts (Hons.) in English 2013-16 Submitted By: Supervised By: SHAKUL AGNIHOTRI MS. SMEETA MISHRA A0706113087 Amity Institute of English Studies …show more content…

SMEETA MISHRA A0706113087 Amity Institute of English Studies and Research AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH India Introduction The Imitation Game was the name of the test Alan Turing contrived to whether machines could think like humans. At the same time, as a man who had to enshroud his sexuality for his own well being and job security. A book can go to figurative places; the way Imitation Game makes literal Turing’s attractions is by having him emotionally connect with the decoding machine

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