
African American Stereotypes

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After watching Verna Myers speak about African Americans, one could see the pure justice in her eyes. For some, this video made them take a step back and realize just how biased our world currently is. In all categories of life, each human being has been negatively stereotyped in their own way. In life I have really only experienced one circumstance of being negatively stereotyped and that was being not only physically a female, but a human who has multiple tattoos. Every time it is mentioned or spotted that there is ink on the skin, ones assumptions of having any potential of being in the professional work force goes out the window. The catch is even with mine being on my sides and being hidden 24/7, the looks of disgrace and the thought of I have no potential of getting a real career still happens. Tattoos have become to where it has their own stereotype questions and comments like, “You are going to regret those when you get older,” …show more content…

By the time all the questions have been asked and the judgments have been conquered, I want to go home and hide in the closet. Talking about sex offenders and Latinos will be the hardest for myself to discuss in class because in my home church we had a youth leader that everyone looked up to and loved and then after a youth trip one of the children came home and spoke with his or her parents about what the director had done with or to them. Knowing that in the house of God something so devastating could happen just blows one’s mind and makes someone question trusting the people in church where everyone knows that should be easily done. Discussing Latinos will be a little touchy because where I come from Latinos are known as “Beaners” or “Mexicans”, racism that is uncalled for to say the least, when it comes to any skin color other than

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