
Addison's Surgery: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

Lexie and Brooklyn climbed into the car for their day of sightseeing. Brooklyn had been looking forward to seeing the space needle since she found out about it’s existence. She couldn’t wipe the cheesy grin off of her face at the thought of getting to tour around the city she had dreamed of visiting since she was a little girl. The thought gave her butterflies as she imagined what everything would look like up close, what it would smell like, how it would feel. She was pulled out of her trance with the stopping of the car. As she turned to look out the front window she smile dropped. “Traffic.” She mumbled. “We’re going to get there.” Lexie assured the teen before attempting to figure out what was going on. Traffic seemed to be blocked from both directions. “Most likely. Whatever happened wasn’t good.” Brooklyn’s head dropped and she slumped down into the seat. …show more content…

“Both she and that baby could die.” “They’ll both die if we don’t do the surgery.” Lexie countered. “She’ll go into a coma and we probably won’t be able to wake her up.” “Those burns need to be treated too. If we don’t debride those soon there’s no way we’re going to be able to get a skin graft on them later.” Mark pointed out. “Listen, I’m telling you both right now that that baby can’t handle anesthesia. She’ll go into labor and deliver early giving that baby what a 50 percent chance at survival. If that much. Is there anyway we can wait 24 hours to at least give the baby steroids to mature the lungs?” “I don’t know if she has 24 hours.” “I’ll do an ultrasound and get a good reading but as much as I hate to say it, taking this baby is probably their best shots.” Lexie nodded before she turned her head with sound of an opening door. “Mom. They need you. She’s seizing.” Brooklyn stated quickly causing the three doctors in the room to dash into the room. They quickly got the seizure under control and Sarah groggily came to soon

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