
Abuse Affects Children Development

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Abuse Affects Children Development Discipline starts at home. How parents discipline their children affects how they evolve in life. When children leaves their home and enter school children learn rules in a classroom to respect their teachers and their classmates. Children are not always supervised by an adult. There may be an adult watching over them but they cannot keep an eye on everything. Physical abuse is easier to determine than verbal abuse. Parents are the prior source for children to learn that physical, verbal or any form of abuse is wrong, but what happens when parents are abusing their children? Benj Vardigan reports that “verbal abuse can undermine your child’s self-esteem, damage his ability to trust and form relationships, and chip away at academic and social skills” (Vardigan). Parents need to find ways to discipline their children without being abusive because how they are treated does affect their development. Physical abuse is easier to see than verbal abuse but even then children try to hide it. Physical abuse is a “non-accidental trauma or physical injury caused by punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning or otherwise harming a child” (American Humane Association). Parents hitting their children in any way are participating in child abuse. Robert S. Feldman, author of Child Development, states that a lot of parents have unintentionally physically abused their children and “most parents who abuse their children later express bewilderment and

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