
A Proposition For The Legalization Of Hemp

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A proposition for the legalization of hemp in the United States
Industrial hemp is a species of the Cannabis Sativa plant rich in resources that has been used in civilizations dating back to a time before written history. The cultivation of hemp is a controversial topic that has been given a bad reputation in the United States over the past century because of the psychoactive properties contained in the flowers of some varieties of the Cannabis Sativa plant. The controversy surrounding hemp dates back to 1930 when the federal government of United States began to limit the cultivation and sale under the “Marihuana Tax Act” (50 Stat. 551). Later in 1970, President Richard Nixon unleashed his plan to fight “the war on drugs” and passed into …show more content…

The “1916 USDA Bulletin #404” was a study was conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, before hemp was regulated by the government, researched hemp hurds as a means to paper making material.
There seems to be little doubt that the present wood supply cannot withstand in-definitely the demands placed upon it, and with increased scarcity economy in the use of wood will become imperative. This effect is already apparent in many wood-using industries, and although the paper industry consumes only about 3 per cent of the total forest cut, it is probable that it will be affected through this economy. Our forests are being cut three times as fast as they grow (USDA).
The “1916 USDA Bulletin #4” also analyzed that 10,000 acres of land growing hemp produced what 40,500 acres of wood could produce for intent of producing pulp to make paper. Some may argue that this is an outdated source and technology has vastly improved over the past century in the production of wood. There is no current literature to show the ratio for pulp production from hemp to wood still maintain the ratio of 4 to 1. However taking into account that Hemp has been strictly regulated fourteen years after this report and eventually criminalized, there has been no resource for further research. Hemp is a fast growing renewable resource that is no longer available, wrongly accused of being a dangerous substance. Industrial hemp produces

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