
A Political Cartoon Analysis

Decent Essays

The political cartoon shown here is strongly satirizing against the control of children’s education in Texas by the Board of Education. Through the Board’s selection of what is included in children’s learning material, Texas kids in schools become biased towards certain political views. The textbooks here all contain extreme conservative attitudes, such as disbelief in climate change with the title, “BRRRRR! Our chilly planet”, and emphasis on anglo-american christianity “saving the day” for a free-market capitalist economy. Ironically, the book “Numbers Lie (Just like liberals!)” is paired with a false math equation on the bottom left of the cartoon, as 2+2 does not equal 5. However, this is significant in the sense that textbooks which are …show more content…

Glenn Beck, a renown conservative with extreme political theories, is included in the cartoon as a book to learn from as well, further emphasizing ideologies like his plot against government and numerical claims that “10 percent of all muslims are terrorists,” . In an analysis of the textbooks passed by the board, reviewers found that the books do not have any negative attitudes towards capitalism, viewed christianity as a harmless takeover of indigenous culture, and racially categorized many diverse african groups as one unity, calling them “negros”. World history textbooks emphasized the violence in Islamic countries, and related it to the terrorism and additional issues western countries have today. The statement, ““Much of the violence you read or hear about in the Middle East is related to a jihad,” is an example of the racism and bias towards Islam. From a developmental age, reading about these ideas will encourage racist attitudes and negativity towards certain ideals in the student’s future. Through political cartoons, artists attempt to persuade readers to their standpoint, and to go against the idea portrayed in the cartoon.

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