
A Level Chemistry Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Studying A-Level Chemistry has really initiated an interest in studying chemistry further in a degree. I have been aroused by the coherence between molecules and compounds in organic chemistry and I very much enjoy the organic synthesis of materials which can then be further used to develop more efficient alternatives. It is for this reason entirely, amongst others, which is why I would like to continue studying chemistry. Looking at the world from a chemical perspective, with everything being composed of the small components of matter, I take a real interest in how the world works and how exactly I can play my part in it.

My fondness for this subject area is something that has excelled beyond the classroom. I frequently take pleasure in …show more content…

The Wellcome Trust Foundation ran a 6-week programme for aspiring scientists to attend. The programme really allowed my knowledge of biology and chemistry to be tested to great extents while at the same time, becoming inspired with awe about how little I knew about what effect my knowledge could have on the world. To me, the most exciting thing about chemistry and biology is how although there’s so much that has been discovered by previous astounding scientists, I believe the real thrill in the subject that entices me towards it is what lies undiscovered. The MSci will allow me to involve myself into 6 months of cutting-edge research to question and inquire into the unexplored. The most exhilarating thing about this course is that, personally, I’ve always believed that a perfect scientist to be someone who can improve the world around them using their advanced knowledge yet in order to enhance the world, we must first understand it to every last particle.

Personally, I believe that before we can change the world, we must understand it. Biochemistry combines Biology;which is the study of living things and Chemistry which is the study of all else that exists to create courageous individuals that are able to help and better the …show more content…

Teamwork and communication were key skills I was able to excel at during many times in the 4-week challenge especially during the first week where we were faced with many problem-solving challenges. I consider this skill to be crucial to the chemistry degree and for my future solely due the fact that many minds integrated will be beneficial to achieve astonishing results for research and other group tasks.

Something that interests me most about medicinal chemistry is the synthesis of nano-materials. In the current techno

Volunteering with the Cancer Research Foundation previously was a truly exciting experience for me and allowed with some

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