
A Christmas Carol Analysis

Decent Essays

A Christmas Carol Discussion
By Kalana

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is a story about a man who is stingy, rude and solitary. His name is Scrooge, and he gets taught many lessons. Scrooge comes out a changed man who is optimistic and happy. The lessons he gets taught is not only for him but also for Dickens' readers. Throughout this text, there many situations where usual readers can relate to. In other parts of the text, there are moments that are rare and have a massive impact on Scrooge's life. A Christmas Carol's messages are for the readers because Scrooge is a metaphor for the wrongdoings in life, these lessons could happen to anyone and because the book was created so that no one should go through the experiences that …show more content…

Scrooge was greatly changed by the events he saw, but everyone can change if they are capable enough. For instance, Scrooge showed a change we could all do when he said “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. I am as giddy as a drunken man 2.” This indicated that he is a jollies man, and has changed drastically. These relations show that A Christmas Carol gives lessons for both readers and protagonists.

The final statement is that A Christmas Carol is a book about learning from mistakes, and so that readers don't make the same mistakes. Scrooge learnt from mistakes the hard way, and at the end, he acted like a normal person. However, if readers notice that if they are happy and joyful in the first place, they won't have to experience the hurtful lessons that Scrooge had to go through. People who are optimistic usually have a happier life because they take the most out of everything. If Scrooge had been optimistic from the start, he wouldn't have had to go through the experiences he did. Scrooge was seeing that being happy was changing him and the people around him when he was thinking “He had never dreamed that any walk—that anything—could give him so much happiness. 3” This reason shows that A Christmas Carol gives lessons to readers and Scrooge.

In conclusion, the lessons learnt by Scrooge in A Christmas Carol are undoubtedly not only for the protagonists but also for Dickens' readers. This is because Scrooge is a

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