
911 First Responders

Decent Essays

This paper is for the people that seem to do great things for the community, but receive such little recognition in return. 911 first responders (dispatchers, Firefighters, police officers, etc.) is the epitome of a “lifesaver”. These people choose to risk their lives and give up time with their family to save yours. Yet, believe it or not they receive little compensation for the work they do. Having personal experience in the matter as my mother is a 911 dispatcher. Not only does the job take a toll on these people financially, but also their physical and mental health are at risk. As we should make sure that the people that selflessly care about our well-being be taken care of. Most people are willing to pay $200 for a concert ticket, but would gripe over paying that in medical bills. Hopefully, after making this statement people will gain understanding and compassion for the modern day heroes. Over …show more content…

Studies have shown a $98-billion-dollar short fall in funding over the last 5 years for first responders. As the government continually chooses to make budget cuts in this department. Not only do first responders take a big hit financially, but also due to finances manage to be short staffed the majority of the time. Not only have they managed to take financial misfortunes, but to add insult to injury not getting paid for the extra duties they tend to. Trusting these people with our lives every single day. Dispatchers having the proper training to deal in high stress situations whether someone is having a heart attack, choking or contemplating suicide, they must remain calm in stabilizing the situation. Also, police officers choosing to walk into dangerous situations of criminals shooting or someone fighting for their life. We must make sure that these people are properly compensated in hopes that they will not lack in their job

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